Tuesday, August 14, 2012

On the Verge

A wonderful friend of mine Ed Campbell (some of you may already know him; we both attend Grace on the Island in Venice) has taken me on as one of his two business partners and as the performing artist to represent his new business venture, a song publishing company West Gate Songs. My official title for this business is Vice President of Creative Affairs...it sounds so grown-up. And that is weird since it seems like yesterday I was singing songs with the radio in my room as a kid and recording my versions of my favorite songs on a cassette tape.

We are currently working on a catalog of songs that he and I are writing together (you know, the ones I drive you guys crazy with on Facebook) with the purpose of eventually getting me some live performing gigs, selling some digital songs, and all the while promoting the new business, West Gate Songs. Right now, we are developing the website for West Gate Songs but you can already buy some of our songs there!

But I digress. The purpose of this title, On the Verge. I feel like I am a part of something that could be the best thing that has ever happened to me in my performing and professional life. I can't describe what an amazing feeling it is to put pen to paper, write some lyrics, combine it with Ed's music, record the vocals, mix the track, play it for someone, and get feedback (positive or constructive, I might add). Of course, the good feedback makes me want to explode because I really enjoy that someone likes what we are doing. I actually do listen to constructive feedback and cherish it. I want to know how to improve!

We have entered one of our songs 'Blue Resolution' for consideration in a local compilation CD that also includes an awesome opportunity to play a live show in Sarasota this November called Noise Ordinance. My fingers are crossed so tightly I think I may have broken a few fingers...

I am loving that my life is becoming more music involved every day. It feeds the baser needs I have to be creative and incorporates the one thing in my life that I can do every single day and never tire of...singing.

I am on the verge, dear friends, of something that could be truly amazing and special...

***Become a fan or like me on my musician pages on Facebook, Reverbnation, and follow me on Twitter to get all of the latest updates on my music and happenings with West Gate Songs.***


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